by Institution Author "Ersin, Aybüke"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Comparison of the effectiveness of transverse friction massage and thiele massage in female patients with chronic pelvic pain
Öndeş, Sena; Ersin, Aybüke (Bayrakol Medical Publisher Serving, 2023)Aim: This study aimed to investigate and compare the effectiveness of transverse friction massage and Thiele massage applied to the pelvic floor muscles in female patients with chronic pelvic pain.Material and Methods: ... -
Effect of Pilates Exercises on the Body Composition of Fasting Females
Batar, Nazlı; Kermen, Seda; Sevdin, Sezen; Ersin, Aybüke; Güçlü, Duygu (Bezmialem Vakif University, 2022)Amaç: Bu çalışma, Ramazan ayında haftada en az iki kez oruç tutan ve pilates yapan bireyler ile oruç tutan ancak pilates yapmayan bireylerin vücut kompozisyonundaki değişiklikleri değerlendirmeyi amaçladı. Yöntemler: Bu, ... -
Effect of Pilates on Body Composition and Some Biochemical Parameters of Women with Type 2 Diabetes on a Low-Carbohydrate or High-Complex-Carbohydrate Diabetic Diet
Batar, Nazlı; Kermen, Seda; Sevdin, Sezen; Ersin, Aybüke; San, Sevil; Erdem, Mustafa Genco; Pulat Demir, Halime; Güçlü, Duygu (ZAMENSALAMATI PUBL CO, 2022)Arka plan: Tip 2 diyabetin (T2DM) prevalansı son 30 yılda çarpıcı biçimde arttı. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü, 2025 yılına kadar diyabet ve obezite artışını durdurmak için bir eylem planı hazırladı. Amaçlar: Bu çalışma, pilatesin ... -
Effect of thoracic mobilization exercises on hamstring flexibility: a randomized controlled trial
Ersin, Aybüke; Kaya, Meltem (Scientific and Technological Research Council Turkey, 2023)Background and aim: The aim was to investigate the effect of thoracic mobilization exercises on hamstring flexibility.Materials and methods: One hundred twenty individuals with hamstring tightness were included in the ... -
The effect of transverse friction massage on pain and quality of life in women with chronic pelvic pain: A quasi-experimental study
Ersin, Aybüke; Tarhan, Fatih; Başol, Gülfem; Şakul, Bayram Ufuk; Algun, Zeliha Candan (Mark Allen Group, 2023)Background/Aims Chronic pelvic pain is defined as pain located to the pelvis or lower abdominal region, lasting for at least 6 months, and not associated with menstruation, coitus or pregnancy. The aim of this study was ... -
Effects of multi-gravitational suspension-based therapy on posture, physical fitness, quality of life, depression, and sleep quality in women without regular exercise habits
Aydoğdu, Ecem Sevim Berk; Ersin, Aybüke; Kelecek, Selen; Melek, Mine; Pekyavaş, Nihan Özünlü (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2023)BackgroundMulti-gravitational suspension-based therapy (M-Gravity) is a comprehensive discipline based on the principles of non-gravity, which serves to increase the quality of life and holistic health of the individual ... -
Relationship between Perceived Stress Level with Menstruation Symptoms and Quality of Life in Women
Ersin, Aybüke; Öndeş, Sena (Bayrakol Medical Publisher, 2023)Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between perceived stress level, menstrual symptoms and quality of life in women aged between 18-50 years. Material and Methods: This study was carried out ... -
The Relationship Between Reaction Time And Gaming Time in E-Sports Players
Ersin, Aybüke; Tezeren, Halime Ceren; Pekyavaş, Nihan Özünlü; Asal, Burak; Atabey, Anıl; Diri, Ardacan; Gönen, İsmail (Univ Zagreb, 2022)E-sports can be defined as an electronic sports form and is growing at a rapid pace worldwide. E-sport requires high-speed reactions during all games. The purpose of this study was to evaluate auditory, visual and aim ...