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dc.contributor.authorAjlouni, Naim
dc.contributor.authorÖzyavaş, Adem
dc.contributor.authorTakaoğlu, Mustafa
dc.contributor.authorTakaoğlu, Faruk
dc.contributor.authorAjlouni, Firas
dc.identifier.citationAjlouni, N., Özyavaş, A., Takaoğlu, M., Takaoğlu, F., & Ajlouni, F. (2023). Medical image diagnosis based on adaptive Hybrid Quantum CNN. BMC medical imaging, 23(1), 126.
dc.description.abstractHybrid quantum systems have shown promise in image classification by combining the strengths of both classical and quantum algorithms. These systems leverage the parallel processing power of quantum computers to perform complex computations while utilizing classical algorithms to handle the vast amounts of data involved in imaging. The hybrid approach is intended to improve accuracy and speed compared to traditional classical methods. Further research and development in this area can revolutionize the way medical images are classified and help improve patient diagnosis and treatment. The use of Conventional Neural Networks (CNN) for the classification and diagnosis of medical images using big datasets requires, in most cases, the use of special high-performance computing machines, which are very expensive and hard to access by most researchers. A new form of Machine Learning (ML), Quantum machine learning (QML), is being introduced as an emerging strategy to overcome this problem. A hybrid quantum-classical CNN uses both quantum and classical convolution layers designed to use a parameterized quantum circuit. This means that the computing model utilizes a quantum circuits approach to construct QML algorithms, which are then used to transform the quantum state to extract image hidden features. This computational acceleration is expected to achieve better algorithm performance than classical CNNs. This study intends to evaluate the performance of a Hybrid Quantum CNN (HQCNN) against a conventional CNN. This is followed by some optimizer modifications for both proposed and classical CNN methods to investigate the possible further improvement of their performance. The optimizer modification is based on forcing the optimizer to be directly adaptive to model accuracy. The optimizer adaptiveness is based on the development of an optimizer with a loss base adaptive momentum. Several algorithms are developed to achieve the above-mentioned goals, including CNN, QCNN, CNN with the adaptive optimizer, and QCNN with the Adaptive optimizer. The four algorithms are tested against a Kaggle brain dataset containing over 7000 samples. The test results show the hybrid quantum circuit algorithm outperformed the conventional CNN algorithm. The performance of both algorithms was further improved by using a fully adaptive SGD optimizer.en_US
dc.subjectNeural networksen_US
dc.subjectParameterized Quantum Circuits 'PQC'en_US
dc.subjectHybrid QCNNen_US
dc.subjectAdaptive momentumen_US
dc.subjectMedical diagnosisen_US
dc.titleMedical image diagnosis based on adaptive Hybrid Quantum CNNen_US
dc.departmentİstanbul Atlas Üniversitesi, Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi, Yazılım Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorÖzyavaş, Adem
dc.relation.journalBMC MEDICAL IMAGINGen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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