Browsing by Author "Başoğlu, İlayda Çelik"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Comparison of micro- and macro- structural narrative features between Turkish-Kurdish bilinguals and Turkish monolinguals
Savaş, Merve; Beğen, Senanur Kahraman; Başoğlu, İlayda Çelik; Aktan, Berfin; Öge-Daşdöğen, Özlem (WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH, 2024)Bilingualism may lead to differences in narrative micro- and macrostructural features. Creating a normative data set on the narrative characteristics of healthy Turkish-Kurdish bilinguals may allow for a more effective ... -
The effect of cerebellar lesıons on language in Turkısh speakıng indıvıduals
Savaş, Merve; Gönüldaş, Miraç; Kahraman Beğen, Senanur; Başoğlu, İlayda Çelik (ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2024)BackgroundThe cerebellum is approximately 10% of the brain volume and is responsible for attention, language, emotion and cognitive functions. Linguistic processing difficulties and cognitive impairments may be observed ...