Browsing by ORCID "Yusuf Onur Kızılay / 0000-0001-8373-3426"
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Does total knee arthroplasty affect overactive bladder symptoms in female patients?
Senel, Çağdaş; Kızılay, Yusuf Onur; Turan, Kayhan; Ongun, Şakir (Springer London LTD, 2022)Introduction and hypothesis In the current study we hypothesized that total knee arthroplasty might improve the overactive bladder symptoms by providing pain relief and improving physical function. Methods One hundred ... -
Open double-button technique is superior to hook plate in the treatment of acute Rockwood Type III/V acromioclavicular dislocations
Yapıcı, Furkan; Üçpunar, Hanifi; Gür, Volkan; Sevencan, Ahmet; Kızılay, Yusuf Onur; Karaköse, Reşit; Çamurcu, Yalkın (Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2022)BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to compare open double-button (DB) and hook plate (HP) techniques in the treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation (ACJD) in terms of clinical and radiological outcomes and to ... -
Volumetric Analysis of Subacromial Space After Superior Capsular Reconstruction for Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears
Kızılay, Yusuf Onur; Güneş, Zafer; Turan, Kayhan; Aktekin, Cem Nuri; Uysal, Yunus; Kezer, Murat; Camurcu, Yalkin (Springer Heidelberg, 2023)PurposeSubacromial volume measurement on magnetic resonance images is relatively new. It has been shown that decreased subacromial volume increases after surgical repair of full-thickness rotator cuff tears. There is no ...